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How to Determine the Demand of Your Potential Affiliate Marketing Niche

Are you wandering aimlessly, searching for a profitable affiliate marketing niche?

Well, turn to your dear affiliate marketing friends at to find the answers you’ve been searching for.

Any niche you choose should be in high demand with low competition.

And yes, as obvious as the sounds, let’s dive a little deeper so you can recognize when that applies. 

First thing I advise you to do…

Research keywords related to your potential niche to determine the demand.

High search counts for anything related to your niche is what you want.

Analyze search volume and monitor social media activity related to the topic.

Next, compare your niche in search engines with more broad saturated ones.

The less results that populate for your category the better.

Repeat in different social media platforms to get a better understanding on the level of competition.

If you take anything from this post, let it be this…

Go for the big ticket, high commission products.

You may think, those would be harder to sell…

…but the truth is, if you know your market it won’t matter.

You can make a quarter of the sales with $1,500 products and still be ahead of someone using $20 products.

In addition, choose a niche that is evergreen.

Something that has ongoing relevance and demand. 

This ensures that you can promote products and services for years to come.

And finally, while your niche should be specific, the products available should have a wide variety.

If there are only a few products available in the niche, you may struggle to find relevant products to promote to your audience.

If you want to broaden your knowledge of affiliate marketing, join our 3 Day Business Challenge.

We give you a step-by-step, complete walk through, on how to start your own online affiliate marketing business…


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