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How to Leverage the Most Effective Types of YouTube Videos… For Affiliate Marketing

Skyrocket affiliate commissions using these types of YouTube videos…

Let me start this off by saying, a study by HubSpot stated, 54% of consumers want to see more video content from the brands and businesses they support.

This goes without saying, but there are thousands who want to see your product.

So let’s get into it…

This first video allows you to give an honest review to help consumers make informed decisions about whether or not they should purchase the product.

It is a product review.

According to a survey by BrightLocal, 91% of consumers between the ages of 18 and 34 trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Next up, how-to tutorials…

Basically, by showing your audience how to use a product or service, you can help them understand how it can benefit them in their daily lives. 

Plus, tutorials are a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your niche! 

In fact, according to Google, how-to searches on YouTube have grown by 70% year over year.

Now, comparison videos have the ability to really boost your commissions…

Take two similar products or services and detail the pros and cons of each.

The trick is this…

Become an affiliate of each product. 

This way, whichever product your audience chooses, you will earn a commission either way.

What do you think about that?

If you’re wanting to showcase even more than two products in a video, consider a Top 10 List.

Provide 10 products in your niche with descriptions and a short review.

The secret to maximizing your affiliate commissions is to use a bridge page instead of a direct link to the merchant’s product page. 

A bridge page provides additional information and helps to build trust with the user before they are directed to the product page.

The bridge page will provide valuable information and build trust with your audience.

In turn, increasing the conversion rate and ultimately leading to more affiliate commissions.

Plus, you can use this page to collect email addresses and build your email list…

Which can help you promote future offers to your audience.

If you want even more valuable content about affiliate marketing…

Join our 3 Day Business Challenge.

We give you a step-by-step, complete walk through, on how to start your own online affiliate marketing business…


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