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The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Offers (Become an Expert of Which Ones Work Best for You)

How to determine a good affiliate offer – Checkout our 3 Day Challenge at

Let’s dive in.

So what’s a good offer?

The first question, my first question to you, if you were to sit down to me, you were to ask me what, what a good offer is.

I’m going to ask you, well, what’s the price point?

You know, your subscriber list to purchase from.

You ought to know that based on what you sold them and what they became part of your list on, what was the price point, right?

You should have pretty good idea of what the price point is going to be.

And look, if something is a good offer and you want to promote it and it’s way out of your league, then listen.

Not way out of your league.

That’s a bad way to put it, but way out of the price range of the people that are going to be part of your email marketing list then.

Man there’s no reason necessarily to take a two or three days and promote something that you know is not necessarily going to even be in their price range.

If you have somebody come to you from an affiliate marketplace, it’s a good chance you may have success in that marketplace.

So, in other words, let’s say you sold something on Warrior Plus.

There’s a good chance that if you found an offer on Warrior Plus, that offer will work for you if you launched on JVZoo, and that’s how they came to you.

There’s a good chance that if you want to promote something, you can probably find somebody to promote something.

Well on JVZoo the other thing is now when you start doing that, you’re going to hear a lot of words, right?

People are going to start talking about EPCs, they’re going to start by talking about conversion rates.

And quite honestly, folks, those are just words.

It’s not always going to be the sole thing you and I need in order to make that decision.

Because the fact of the matter is, with people going to landing pages first, you and I really don’t necessarily have a true picture of the conversion rate of anything as an affiliate.

We don’t have a true picture of, let’s say, the EPCs, because again, people are okay, if I say gaming the system, it sounds negative.

It’s not, it’s not meant to be.

It’s just that that number is not a true number.

The only way you can get that true number is if I sent people exactly from one link to one, straight to the offer and they were all going that way, I could make an assessment.

But I can’t do that because lots of people are going to be coming in different ways.

Some are sending people straight to the offer. Right?

Again, so those statistics can be misleading.

Now, what you want to do with statistics is you want to look at the trend and you want to look at how they move.

So in other words, it goes back to calculus, right?

It’s moving numbers.

So in other words, how do the numbers trend?

How do the numbers move?

Is EPC going up?

Is the conversion rate going up?

Is the conversion rate steady?

What’s happening?

So if you’re looking at the trend, I think you can’t go wrong, but if you’re looking at exact numbers, those can be deceiving.

Promote people that are going to take care of your clients.

Do that.

Don’t promote anybody that you know is not going to take care of your client.

I don’t really care how well the product sells.

I don’t care how cool it is.

Because more than likely, listen, if you know somebody is just a flat out jerk, they’re probably going to treat your client that way.

If your client ends up asking for a refund, that’s not going to get you what you want because that’s going to come out of your it’s going to come out of your commission.

So again, you need to start thinking about,is this somebody I would buy something from?Is this going to be somebody I would do business with?

Because if it isn’t, quite honestly, if you don’t care much for the person, your clients probably not going to care much for them either.

And those are going to always be the decisions you’re going to make.

And you end up probably with refund rates that are higher than you want to.

Yeah, you want people to trust your recommendations, right?

So definitely get people that are going to take care of your clients.

But even if you think that that’s a little too airy fairy or you think that’s a little too I’d say Pollyanna, then do it just for this reason.

Get people who are going to take care of your clients because you don’t want to deal with refunds coming out of your account.

So, again, if that’s just a little too pie in the sky, you want people to trust you’re commendations, do it then for just the fact that you don’t want to have a bunch of refunds.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to transform your life with affiliate marketing, register for the 3 Day Challenge at

Now, Here’s Jonathan Montoya explaining all about the three day challenge.

Hey, what’s up you guys?

Jonathan Montoya here, ex electrical engineer to full time online business owner and coach and mentor to thousands of students online.

So I recently put together a three step framework that has dramatically changed my life.

From working a nine to five job that I hated, working 60 hours a week, driving to and from work in traffic, and not being able to spend quality time with my wife and daughter, to now building a six figure online business from scratch.

More importantly, being able to leave my nine to five job in just nine months.

And I did this as a complete beginner.

So what I’m going to show you is my simple three step framework on how to build an online business from scratch.

I’m going to take you through step by step and click by click on how to build and launch your first online business.

This isn’t going to be one of those fluffy trainings where I’m just going to go over theory.

I’m actually going to give you the tool sand the resources and the training you need to be able to build your first business.

But more importantly, guys, is I’m going to teach you how to build a long term sustainable business that’s going to pay you for years and years to come.

I’m honestly tired of all these systems out there that just say, click a button here and build a business overnight.

I’m going to teach you the actual skills you need to build your business for the long term.

Because here’s the deal, guys, I’m tired of these systems that aren’t teaching you the right way.

They just want you to click a button here and make money.

So if you’re truly interested, guys, I want you to take my 3 Day Business Breakthrough Challenge where we’re going to walk you through how to build your business from scratch.

And if you stick with me the whole three days of this challenge, I promise you your entire perspective of how building a successful online business will change dramatically.

The things I’m teaching are changing the industry.

Again, guys, I’m tired of all this BS.

Of people teaching the same old methods that aren’t even working.

My goal for you is to help you build a long term sustainable business that’s going to pay you for years and years to come.

So if you’re ready to take the 3 Day Business Breakthrough Challenge, make sure to sign up guys, you’re going to have instant access to the challenge.

I’m excited to teach you guys.

We’ll see you in there.

Again, don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity.

Register for the 3 Day Challenge at 3DayAccess.

We’d love to see you.

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