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How to Create a High Converting Affiliate Marketing Landing Page

Part 1…

How to Create a High Converting Affiliate Marketing Landing Page Part 1 – Checkout our 3 Day Challenge at

Use a landing page.

On that landing page, I suggest you do a video review.

Is it overkill?

Maybe. And some people will tune it out and some people will turn it off.

Fine, wonderful.

I don’t care if they turn it off.

But the video review is going to be for those people who do not want to look at all your images.

Hey want to be able to just sit down, watch your video, or even listen to you, and then you’re going to talk about what it is they’re going to do.

Now, when you start talking about doing a video review, you can just review your bonus, right?

So in other words, it’s not about the product, it’s about your bonus.

So during your sales video, people get to your landing page, review your bonus.

You don’t have to review the product, review your bonus and how it fits into what the product is doing.

You can also review the product and how people are going to benefit.

Now, again, that’s a choice.

You do either one and whichever one is going to fit the list that you have and then do a video review of why either one of those things are going to benefit the client or both of them.

Review your bonus, review the product.

And I said this yesterday, that a landing page video, especially for an affiliate promotion.

Remember, they’re going to leave your landing page.

They’re probably going to go and see another sales video.

Please do not go beyond three minutes.

Really, one or two minutes is more than adequate.

1 minute is best.

If you’re going to do a video review, you’re going to auto play the video.

When they get to your landing page, please try to keep it right close to 1 minute, whatever you do.

So it doesn’t leave a lot of time for you to oversell something because you’re really dependent on the person that is dependent on the person that’s going to, let’s say that they’re going to go ahead and make the purchase at that point, right?

So again, your review, you’re dependent on the person who is doing the sale.

That’s what I want to say.

So in other words, you decide to promote a product, right?

You decide to promote an affiliate marketing offer.

And so what you want to do is you want to be dependent on that person to make the sale.

Now, if you think that person didn’t do a good job on their sales page, then you might have to do more on your bonus.

You might have to do more on your landing page.

If you look at that sales page and they did a crappy job, then what you got to do is you’ve got to get enough momentum based on your bonus and your emphasis of the product and your bonus.

So it’s not just about what they’re going to do.


If they’re doing a great job on the sales page, what you’re going to do is just going to say, hey, you know what, here’s our bonus, just send them over there.

In fact, in some cases you don’t even have to do a sales video.

If that’s the case, they’ve already done a great job on the sales page.

I talked about this before.

Use 3D images on your sales page, on your bonus page.

Be clear in your call to action.

Be careful about the words on your button.

Be specific.

For instance, in Optimized Press, you can change the words on the button.

You can do Continue.

You can do Download now.

You can do access now, right?

Be specific about what you want them to do.

Again, I like to use the word Continue.

They came to the landing page and what I’m trying to do suddenly in the back of the person’s mind, I don’t know if it matters, but again, I want them to continue.

I want them to keep going.

I want them to keep moving and then goon to look at the sales page, continue, right?

If you want them to have Download Now, be specific about that.

Make sure that everything else on your landing page sort of leads them to want to Download now.

Again, be specific about your call to action.

If all you’re going to have on your bonus page or your landing page is going to be a button, then that button has the words with the call to action.

Again, if you’re going to have a button, make sure you have something on that button.

Now, I’ve seen some cases where somebody will leave the words off the button thinking that might be too much.

It is not too much.

It is necessary.

You must put the call to action on there and it must be crystal, crystal, crystal, quadruple clear, right?

Now, having said that, when you start talking about a bonus page and a landing page, not a lot of words, folks.

And I’ve learned this the hard way, you don’t want to have a lot of words on there, because all a lot of words do is really slow people down and a lot of words will get people reading about stuff that may or may not be relevant.

The more talking you do, the higher the probability that you and I will say something that will slow somebody down and will keep them.

Do you realize and I didn’t even know this because I’m not a natural salesperson, and I didn’t know this until I started talking to friends.

How many of you all know you can talk somebody out of a sale, you can be doing your best sales job, you can talk them right out of the sale.

So I’m saying to you, your job on that landing page is to get people to the sales page with momentum again.

So what’s the momentum depend on?

Well, the momentum depends on this.

How good a job did the vendor do on their sales page?

If they did a crappy job, then you got to generate the momentum.

If they did a great job, then you got to move them quick.

The momentum is going to be determined by the person who created the offer.

Does that make sense?

I know I kind of blew through that.

So if you get that Pluton number four in the question box, if you sort of get that concept so again, what you’re doing on the landing page is you are generating momentum.

Jeff’s question is, how about if they overdid the sales page?

15 minutes sales videos times two, right?


Typically when somebody does that, they feel they tested it.

Everything’s going to come back down to you got to have a lot of trust in that person, and you got to have some trust that if you send visitors there, they’re not going to get talked out of it.

Part 2…

How to Create a High Converting Affiliate Marketing Landing Page Part 2 – Checkout our 3 Day Challenge at

Everything’s going to come back down to you got to have a lot of trust in that person, and you got to have some trust that if you send visitors there, they’re not going to get talked out of it.

So if you trust that they did test it, that it’s not just them kind of running off at the mouth, then I would say then you got to move them fast off the you got to move them fast off the landing page.

They’ve got to get a clear picture of your bonus and move quickly onto the sales page and let them do the sales job.
Your job is to let them see stuff fast and get them off of there, especially if they’re going to have a 15 minutes sales video.

When you’re promoting as affiliate, go light on the number of words.
Don’t have a lot of words on your landing page.

This is just my own personal opinion.
I don’t like putting people on bonus landing pages because the Internet marketing community, especially those of us who are in the business opportunity niche, right?

If you put a business dude, in a suit and tie on your landing page it’s just going to turn me off.
He’s going to turn some people off.
It’s going to attract some people.

So I don’t think you ought to be using people at all, because people just kind of have this it’s all psychological.

You and I are not even conscious of the decisions we’re making.
That’s proven.
And we see a person, how they’re dressed, what they’re doing, all of that has an effect.
And unless you think that that person is helping your customer, I don’t think you need people on there.

Because really and truly, what we’re trying to do, unless you can very clearly put people on this, was in a course I took, I don’t know, back in 2010, a guy named Mike Hill, he did something called CPA Tsunami.

And he said, all of these statistics say that when you can put somebody in the goal position in a picture, that works.

The people who are really good at this, unfortunately, are not always going to be information marketers.

The people who are really good at this are multi level marketers.

Sometimes when you get to one of those landing pages, do you know why they have all those corny looking people, and it’s like a bunch of them on there, and they’re all smiling, they’re all at the beach?

That’s because it’s not because it’s not conscious.

It’s psychological.

That’s why they put a bunch of people on there.

They’re trying to cover all the bases, right?

They’re trying to let you see everybody so that you find yourself when you look at that picture, and then you see them in the goal position.

You want to see them after they bought the product.

You want to see them happy and vacationing and spending lots of money.

I’m saying if you must put this stuff on there, make sure that you’re careful to put people in the goat bonus position and try to cover all the bases.

Listen to feedback.
When you start doing affiliate marketing, what are people saying about your promotion?
What are people saying about your bonus?
Are they asking questions?

If people aren’t even asking questions about it, then it may not be exciting enough.

It ought to make somebody ask you, is this bonus going to be available in a week?

If you start getting questions like that, you know you put together the right thing.

If you don’t hear anything and nobody cares and people are kind of going to your landing page, they’re not even going on to the sales page.

You need to spruce it up a little bit.

You want to be watching your statistics.

If people are going to your landing page and they’re not going on to the sales page, it’s probably because you didn’t generate enough momentum, but you didn’t give them something exciting enough to move on off your landing page.

If you start looking at your stats and you say, boy, man, I had 100 clicks to the bonus page, and I only had one click to the sales page, something is wrong with your landing page.

Part 3…

How to Create a High Converting Affiliate Marketing Landing Page Part 3 – Checkout our 3 Day Challenge at

If you start looking at your stats and you say, boy, man, I had 100 clicks to the bonus page, and I only had one click to the sales page, something is wrong with your landing page.

Something is wrong with your sales video.

Something’s wrong on that page that people just didn’t feel like, you know what?

It’s not even worth my time to go look at this.

And so you got to get them off of there.

And so your bonus will typically do that if it’s exciting enough.

What are people telling you about your sales video?

Are people watching the sales video?

Do they remember what you said in it?

Do they remember the details you offered in it? Do they remember the thing that you said?

If they’re not if you’re not hearing anything doesn’t mean it probably means then that people are dismissing it.

They’re turning it off.

They don’t want to hear it, right?

Again, that sales video needs to be an ally.

It needs to be a partner to what’s on your bonus page, but it can bean impediment if it’s slowing people down.

Again, everything in your bonus page ought to speed up the process, because if it’s not, then you’ve got too much of something or not enough of something else.

Are people reading your email right?

So you can get a sense for whether or not people are reading your email?

Do people quote you back if you ask for feedback?

Are you hearing from people to write you back?

Every so often, even when you do an affiliate promotion or the days you’re not doing affiliate promotion, you should be asking for feedback for people to write you back so that you can get a sense for whether or not people are reading your email.

Because if you’re not, again, that means then that you got to get people to start reading.

You got to start digging deeper to get people into what you’re saying.

And again, I said this before, the last thing is, do people care about your bonus?

Because if nobody cares about it, it’s not probably not exciting enough.

It’s probably not a bonus. And again, in this age where people are stockpiling stuff, that’s not always going to be the thing.

Sometimes it is.

Sometimes people care about the stuff, and you need to stockpile stuff, but sometimes what you really need to do is kind of give some thought to a narrative, try to figure out what people are trying to become, and then you want to put your bonus on that.

Because, trust me, when you are competing against other affiliates, most affiliates are pressed for time.

And I shouldn’t say this, but most affiliates are probably going to put together their promotion about an hour before the launch.

But you can beat any affiliate if you know about it ahead of time.

If you put a little time into it, you put a bonus page together, you do a bonus video, you do some other graphics.

You are probably going to out perform most people even if you don’t have as much traffic, even if you don’t.

I don’t know why that is.

It just is.

So again, put something together that people are going to care about.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to transform your life with affiliate marketing, sign up for the 3 Day Challenge at

Now here’s Jonathan Montoya explaining all about the 3 Day Challenge.

Hey, what’s up you guys?

Jonathan Montoya here, ex electrical engineer to full time online business owner and coach and mentor to thousands of students online.

So I recently put together a three step framework that has dramatically changed my life.

From working a nine to five job that I hated, working 60 hours a week, driving to and from work in traffic, and not being able to spend quality time with my wife and daughter, to now building a six figure online business from scratch.

More importantly, being able to leave my nine to five job in just nine months.

And I did this as a complete beginner.

So what I’m going to show you is my simple three step framework on how to build an online business from scratch.

I’m going to take you through step by step and click by click on how to build and launch your first online business.

This isn’t going to be one of those fluffy trainings where I’m just going to go over theory.

I’m actually going to give you the tool sand the resources and the training you need to be able to build your first business.

But more importantly, guys, is I’m going to teach you how to build a long term sustainable business that’s going to pay you for years and years to come.

I’m honestly tired of all these systems out there that just say, click a button here and build a business overnight.

I’m going to teach you the actual skills you need to build your business for the long term.

Because here’s the deal, guys, I’m tired of these systems that aren’t teaching you the right way.

They just want you to click a button here and make money.

So if you’re truly interested, guys, I want you to take my 3 Day Business Breakthrough Challenge where we’re going to walk you through how to build your business from scratch.

And if you stick with me the whole three days of this challenge, I promise you your entire perspective of how building a successful online business will change dramatically.

The things I’m teaching are changing the industry.

Again, guys, I’m tired of all this BS.

Of people teaching the same old methods that aren’t even working.

My goal for you is to help you build a long term sustainable business that’s going to pay you for years and years to come.

So if you’re ready to take the 3 Day Business Breakthrough Challenge, make sure to sign up guys, you’re going to have instant access to the challenge.

I’m excited to teach you guys.

We’ll see you in there.

Again, don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity.

Register for the 3 Day Challenge at 3DayAccess.

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