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How to Be Successful With Affiliate Launch Marketing

Part 1…

How to be Successful With Affiliate Launch Marketing (Part 1) – Checkout our 3 Day Challenge at

How to be successful with affiliate launch marketing.

When you do launch marketing and you’re working with somebody else’s products, you have to be a lot ahead.
You cannot start a series of affiliate promotions a night before.
You need time to review the product, to determine if you’re going to add resources to it, and to try to determine what you’re going to say about it.

If you don’t tell people ahead of time that this is coming, it’s not going to work as well.
I’m going to say you need three days minimum.

Number one, you need to review the product.
Number two, you need to put together some resources that you’re going to add to it.
Number three, you need to pre sell it.

Affiliate launch marketing is different than affiliate marketing.

If I have to do an affiliate promotion, let’s say for AWeber, I don’t need anything because all I have to do is just pre sell it and I can do that in an email.

If you’re going to try to get ready for a launch, you have to talk to people ahead of time.
So in order to get the product to review, most product vendors are so busy right before the time of the launch, they might not even talk to you, right?

So in other words, you’re trying to geta hold of them because you want to promote, you think they’re ignoring you.
It’s not because they’re ignoring you, it’s because they’re busy. And typically they’re really finalizing last things.
And if you can’t get them, that’s not unusual.

And then you’ve got to get your promotion ready.

You need to think about the angle.
The people who are going to be your subscriber base, how are they going to benefit from it?

You might need to take a different angle than actually the product is.

You might have a totally different take on how they’re going to benefit.

Now obviously you’re really dependent on when somebody else gets to somebody else.

When your subscriber base gets to their sales page, you’re dependent on that person to have written good copy.

You’re dependent on them to have made sure that the people that are going to get to that page are going to convert.

But you can’t totally rely on that because every time that you send an email on behalf of an affiliate, you’re going to get people unsubscribe, right?

There are just some people who just take offense to that and they’re going to unsubscribe.

That’s not only their prerogative, that’s just the way business is and some people are going to unsubscribe anyway.

So an affiliate promotion is a little bit of something that you have to sort of make sure you get some ROI on and you need to do these things ahead of time to make sure that you get the ROI.

The fourth thing is you have to know the product in order to get the most out of it.

So obviously, if you’re going to presell it, you have to know it.

Now, I’m not saying you have to go through it as if you were the customer, but you need to have gone through and you need to understand it.

Is that always going to mean you’re going to get a review copy ahead of time?

A lot of times you’re not right.

It doesn’t have anything to do with you’re not being a top affiliate.

Sometimes the vendor, they’re getting the product ready all the way up until the last hour and they don’t have it to give you.

So they’re not keeping it from you because they don’t think you’re worth it.

They’re keeping it from you because it’s not ready. And to give you part of it would just kind of give you the wrong picture.

So you have to do what you can to really know what the product is and how it’s going to benefit people if you’re going to make the sale.

And I’m not talking about trying to be over the top, trying to be Mr. Integrity and Mrs. Integrity, right?

I mean, obviously I assume you’re going to do that.

I’m talking about the affiliate promotions that you do.

They’re going to work.

The best are going to be those where you know what’s in it well enough to sell it.

That doesn’t mean you’re going to say everything you know, doesn’t mean you’re going to write everything you know in the email, doesn’t mean you’re going to say everything in the sales video.

But you will know what to say if you know the product, if you can take a little bit of time again a few days ahead of time to know what’s in it and if you can’t get the product, see what you can find out ab out it.

See if they’ll show you some of the videos on the inside.

Again, you’re promoting for them.

You have to know if it’s a fit for your community.

Now, just because a bunch of people in your community go and they buy a certain kind of product doesn’t mean it’s right for you to sell to them.

And you can always probably get one or two sales of any thing, right?

Again, you’re going to have people as soon as you start approaching, when you make, I’d say two or three affiliate sales, people are going to start approaching, you saying, hey, you know what?

Hey, I’ve got something coming up.

Can you send this out?

And whether or not you send it out should be a function not necessarily of, yeah, you should be making money and you do affiliate marketing and make money, but it has to be a function of whether or not it’s going to be a fit for them.

Because if it’s a good fit for the people that are going to be part of your community, you’re going to make the most money from an affiliate promotion, right.

When you decide, yes, I’m going to promote it, yes, I’m going to pre sell it, you ought to have a good idea how most of the people in your community are going to benefit by it.

And it should be consistent with the stuff you’ve been talking about.

It shouldn’t be a surprise to them, it shouldn’t be out of line.

And if you decide you’re going to do let’s say something is out of character.

Let’s say that typically you promote information products, instructional products, and then one day you decide somebody approaches you and said, hey, you know what?

I’ve got this really neat software and here’s what it’s going to do when you decide you’re going to promote that software product, it really does need to be a fit into the context of other stuff you’re talking about.

It shouldn’t be this big surprise because again, the difference between you’re making sales and not making sales sometimes is you just confusing people about why they’re getting why are you sending this?

Why am I getting this?

Yes, I get that you want to make money and I get you think that this is going to help me, but how does this fit into everything else you’ve been talking about?

So again, try not to send out stuff that’s going to confuse people based on the other stuff you’ve been talking about.

You have to plan to retain your authority.

So in other words, every time you send someone off to an affiliate product this is sort of what I was talking about here at the beginning of the call, is you really do have to try to retain your own authority.


Sending people to an affiliate offer is not always going to make you the most money in the long run because again, you’re really associating authority and good products with someone else in your niche.

I’m not saying that you never promote anyone, but I’m saying if you’re going to promote somebody, you have to do what you can to retain authority.

So that needs to be part of your promotion.

We’ll talk about some tonight.

And this is a little more than just go find an offer in your niche, there’s more to it than that.

Part 2…

How to be Successful With Affiliate Launch Marketing (Part 1) – Checkout our 3 Day Challenge at

And so when you start talking about affiliate launch marketing, I’m going to get into that what some of this means here tonight.

Okay, so you have a lot of options, right, when you’re an affiliate.

And so how are you going to get to people to the sales page?

Ultimately, that’s what you have to figure out.

How are you going to get the people from not looking at their sales page to their sales page?

And here’s what is very important.

When you decide whether or not you’re going to choose an offer, right? It’s the vendor’s job to convert them.

It’s not your job.

And if you’re spending, I’d say, a day or two creating an affiliate promotion because you’re trying to convert somebody else’s sales page that they did not do a good job on, you should just be creating a product yourself.

Choose your offers wisely.

If you’re going to put a lot of work into an affiliate promotion because their page isn’t going to convert them, then you have to think about whether or not worth your time.

Now, again, sometimes you’re going to do it based on the fact that this person has a, they’ve got a relationship with you.

You sort of know the product is going to be good.

If you can convert the person who you’re sending there, then they’re going to get a good experience on the inside.

So maybe their sales.

Their sales process is not good, but the product is good and so you decide to send them anyway.

But my point to you is that because of the fact you need to get some ROI on any affiliate promotion you do, be careful about what you promote.

Choose promote. Choose the offers wisely, make sure the vendors doing their job and they’re doing what they can to convert your traffic.

You’re sending your traffic and whether you paid for it with money or you paid for it with time or you paid for it with effort, you paid for it.

And for them not to do their job and convert the buyer is not good on your, it’s not good for your part and it’s not even good for the people you’re sending there.

The other thing is, so you either invest time or money into an affiliate promotion, there’s an opportunity cost, and this is what I’m talking about, and it’s one of those things that doesn’t get talked about when in terms of doing an affiliate promotion, there’s an opportunity cost to everything you do.

So in other words, if I put in, let’s say, 10hours on an affiliate promotion, again, for whatever reason, let’s say I put in 10 hours putting something together for an affiliate, is that the best use of my time?

Could I have put something together myself for people who are part of our own community rather than doing all of that work for an affiliate promotion?

So again, I want to give you both sides, affiliate marketing is great, but I want you to think about these things because they’re important.

Also, you can email your list, you can attract people from social media.

Again, all this stuff is going to take time.

You can attract people from Facebook, from YouTube, and from other places.

So you have a lot of options to market as an affiliate.

I mean, you can attract some people from paid search, right?

You can do what’s called launch jacking or you can try to get your video ranked.

But when you do this, you have to think about the opportunity cost of how much time it’s going to take you and whether or not you can make more money by putting your own offer together.

So just really think about that as to whether or not it’s going to be worth it for you in the long run.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to transform your life with affiliate marketing, sign up for the 3 Day Challenge at

Now here’s Jonathan Montoya explaining all about the 3 Day Challenge.

Hey, what’s up you guys?

Jonathan Montoya here, ex electrical engineer to full time online business owner and coach and mentor to thousands of students online.

So I recently put together a three step framework that has dramatically changed my life.

From working a nine to five job that I hated, working 60 hours a week, driving to and from work in traffic, and not being able to spend quality time with my wife and daughter, to now building a six figure online business from scratch.

More importantly, being able to leave my nine to five job in just nine months.

And I did this as a complete beginner.

So what I’m going to show you is my simple three step framework on how to build an online business from scratch.

I’m going to take you through step by step and click by click on how to build and launch your first online business.

This isn’t going to be one of those fluffy trainings where I’m just going to go over theory.

I’m actually going to give you the tool sand the resources and the training you need to be able to build your first business.

But more importantly, guys, is I’m going to teach you how to build a long term sustainable business that’s going to pay you for years and years to come.

I’m honestly tired of all these systems out there that just say, click a button here and build a business overnight.

I’m going to teach you the actual skills you need to build your business for the long term.

Because here’s the deal, guys, I’m tired of these systems that aren’t teaching you the right way.

They just want you to click a button here and make money.

So if you’re truly interested, guys, I want you to take my 3 Day Business Breakthrough Challenge where we’re going to walk you through how to build your business from scratch.

And if you stick with me the whole three days of this challenge, I promise you your entire perspective of how building a successful online business will change dramatically.

The things I’m teaching are changing the industry.

Again, guys, I’m tired of all this BS.

Of people teaching the same old methods that aren’t even working.

My goal for you is to help you build a long term sustainable business that’s going to pay you for years and years to come.

So if you’re ready to take the 3 Day Business Breakthrough Challenge, make sure to sign up guys, you’re going to have instant access to the challenge.

I’m excited to teach you guys.

We’ll see you in there.

Again, don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity.

Register for the 3 Day Challenge at 3DayAccess.

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