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The Types of Affiliate Marketing: What are Your Options – 5 of 8

The Types of Affiliate Marketing: What are Your Options – Checkout the 3 Day Challenge at

So go down to the Categories sidebar menu and click the arrow next to E Business and then select SEM and SEO.

From the drop down, we’re going to talk about types of affiliate market.

Affiliate marketing actually covers a wide variety of different payment structures, different structures in general.

And what I want to do in this particular video is talk about briefly about each type.

And then what I want to do is give you some examples, real life examples and websites that you can actually go to and find products and services that you can promote and get a cut of revenue based on that type of affiliate marketing.

Now compensation can also vary depending on the product itself.

So let’s talk about the first type.

The first type is pay per sale.

This is actually very common and most affiliate programs cover pay per sale.

And all this means is that you get paid every single time somebody purchases a product or service.

So let’s say for example, that somebody is selling a piece of software.

If it’s a monthly product that is $100 per month, and let’s say for example that you get 50%, you’re going to get $50 per month per sale.

Now I like recurring products because once you have referred somebody and you’ve worked hard to do that, if that product has a good retention rate, meaning how long that person will stay in that membership site.

Let’s say for example, the average retention rate is two years.

If I refer that person and they stay for two years, that’s 50 times 24.So 50 times for example, twelve is 60, that would be $600.

So I’m getting $600 a year.

Ultimately getting one $200 a two years.

And knowing that they have a good stick rate and knowing that the vendor actually cares and takes care of their customers.

That’s why it’s so crucial in finding good vendors.

But knowing that, I know that I can spend a couple hundred dollars just to acquire that customer or presale that customer.

So that’s pay per sale.

It also can be a one time product where somebody buys a video course for $20 and you get 50% of that and that’s that.

So the majority of affiliate programs are based on this particular payment structure.

The second type is pay per click.

This means that you basically get paid every time somebody clicks a link.

Meaning let’s say you send 1000 people and out of1000 people, 100 people click and the vendor says okay.

So for every click that you send, I will give you a dollar.

So if you out of 1000, you get 100 clicks.That’s $100, right?

Now this isn’t as popular, but it’s out there, so I just want you to be aware of it.

Now the third type is pay per lead.

In this case you’re sending traffic.

And if a prospect fills out a form or they fill out some sort of requirement like they fill out their zip code, for example, or they fill out the whole form, you might get payment for that action.

So essentially, pay per lead is whenever somebody fills out a form, becomes a lead essentially or does a specific action.

Now this often times is also called cost per action or CPA.

In short, there are tons of networks out there where you can find a lot of these pay per lead paper action, fill out a form or even the second type which is similar which is pay per call.

The fourth type, which is in relation to the paper lead is pay per call.

And this is a CPA structure as well.

And what this means is that based on the requirement, if somebody calls on the phone via a special number that they give you and they meet the requirements, such as they call and they’re on the phone for 15 minutes, you might get $30 for that call.

Or they call and they give their name and phone number, you might get a certain amount of fee.

So they’re not really buying anything, they’re just taking action.

But the vendors that are getting these leads, they know well enough that okay, if they get this lead, that lead is most likely going to convert into whatever sales.

So oftentimes they’re willing to often pay 30, 40,$50 per lead and that’s pay per call.

Now that you understand the different types of affiliate marketing, let’s discuss different sites that you can go to to find these deals.

So let me go ahead and go to my browser and let me show you now.

So as far as websites that you can go to find products to promote as an affiliate, as far as the info products go for the paper sale, jvzoo.comis a good site to go to.

Let me show you the address bar here.

That’s right here.

So, this is a great place to sign up as an affiliate and it will give you the actual stats on how the product is selling and all that.

So you’ll need to come here, sign up as an affiliate right here, JVZoo affiliate.

And then you’ll be able to find products.

It’ll tell you the refund rate and all that.

That’s another thing you want to look for is the refund rate.

If a vendor has like a 10% refund rate or even a 20% refund rate, you might want to steer clear of those vendors.

Another site is


And also covers a lot of info products, but they tend to cover a lot of niche based info products.

So if we click on affiliate marketplace here as an example, you will see a lot of for different niches, not just internet marketing or online business, but you’ll find other things like computers, cooking, diets,games, politics, parenting, everything that you can think of.

So that would be the pay per sale.

Now there’s a lot of pay per sale in terms of physical products as well.

You can do and get like a 4% commission and you can look into AliExpressas well for the ecommerce type physical products.

But as far as that goes, those are the popular sites.

Now you can actually make more money as an affiliate to Info Products.

Now when it comes to something like Pay per Click, there’s not really any companies that we have tested and recommend.

But you can go to Google, you can type in get Paid per Click and make sure you do your due diligence, make sure you research beforehand.

But there are some companies out there that will pay you per click.

But a lot of times it’s not a lot of money.

It’s like a few cents for every clicks.

So that’s not really what I would recommend as an ideal situation to make money.

Usually the paper sales better.

Pay per lead is also good as well.

So as far as the pay per lead or Pay per call, is one of the top CPA networks and that’s

There are tons of other CPA networks out there as well that you can make money with.

But at this time is the one that we’ve actually used and tested.

Another one.

Which is Pay per call would be

That’s and that’s it.