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How to Implement Structure and Strategy for Affiliate Promotions

How to implement structure and strategy for affiliate promotions – Checkout our 3 Day Challenge at

Let’s dive in.

Let’s talk about structure and strategy for affiliate promotions.

So before you even get started, you should already be in a communication mode. We talked about that the other day.

Build in asking questions of your subscriber list and write to them every single day. Provide value every single day, right?

That’s not a secret.

And then the, the key to an affiliate promotion is this the value you’re giving to your client in the promotion.

And then you and I should not be dependent on affiliate marketing to meet whatever our goals are.

Affiliate marketing should be extra.

Now, again, I realize some people make this their full time, their full time business, but ultimately if you are a product creator or you are a service provider, then that should be your primary business.

Affiliate marketing or affiliate promotion is extra.

Now again, it should supplement your goal because if you do that, you’re going to make all the right decisions about how you go about picking affiliate offers.

Typically, if somebody has to depend on an affiliate promotion in order to make their money for that month or to make their money for that quarter, they’ll promote something that isn’t necessarily in their best interest.

They’ll promote something that’s outside of their niche because, let’s say the bright shiny object is you can make a lot of money because everybody’s making money promoting this.

Well, is that going to be good for your subscriber list?

The only thing that drives people to make those decisions and what I would say would be a way that’s contrary to their best interest, is that they come to a point in the month or in their business where they need that affiliate marketing in order to make their goal.

And I do not think you should be depending on affiliate marketing to make your goal okay.

A good affiliate promotion, that happens in the 30 minutes you spend every day getting to know and provide value for your client.

And so one of the best things that you and I can be doing is sort of before any affiliate promotion, we should be writing to our subscriber list every day, providing value, right?

That typically is going to take you 30minutes every day to provide something of value.

It’s going to be worth it when you actually have to do an affiliate promotion, but just be willing to test it over time and again.

I’m just talking in general right now.

And then use an autoresponder that tracks your open rate and clicks the major autoresponders do that. AWeber get response constant contact.

Now again, I’ve heard that it can be difficult until you know how to use them to get into aninbox, but there are ways that you can actually go about email marketing to get into the inbox.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to transform your life with affiliate marketing, register for the 3 Day Challenge at

Now, here’s Jonathan Montoya explaining all about the 3 day challenge.

Hey, what’s up you guys?

Jonathan Montoya here, ex electrical engineer to full time online business owner and coach and mentor to thousands of students online.

So I recently put together a three step framework that has dramatically changed my life.

From working a nine to five job that I hated, working 60 hours a week, driving to and from work in traffic, and not being able to spend quality time with my wife and daughter, to now building a six figure online business from scratch.

More importantly, being able to leave my nine to five job in just nine months.

And I did this as a complete beginner.

So what I’m going to show you is my simple three step framework on how to build an online business from scratch.

I’m going to take you through step by step and click by click on how to build and launch your first online business.

This isn’t going to be one of those fluffy trainings where I’m just going to go over theory.

I’m actually going to give you the tool sand the resources and the training you need to be able to build your first business.

But more importantly, guys, is I’m going to teach you how to build a long term sustainable business that’s going to pay you for years and years to come.

I’m honestly tired of all these systems out there that just say, click a button here and build a business overnight.

I’m going to teach you the actual skills you need to build your business for the long term.

Because here’s the deal, guys, I’m tired of these systems that aren’t teaching you the right way.

They just want you to click a button here and make money.

So if you’re truly interested, guys, I want you to take my 3 Day Business Breakthrough Challenge where we’re going to walk you through how to build your business from scratch.

And if you stick with me the whole three days of this challenge, I promise you your entire perspective of how building a successful online business will change dramatically.

The things I’m teaching are changing the industry.

Again, guys, I’m tired of all this BS.

Of people teaching the same old methods that aren’t even working.

My goal for you is to help you build a long term sustainable business that’s going to pay you for years and years to come.

So if you’re ready to take the 3 Day Business Breakthrough Challenge, make sure to sign up guys, you’re going to have instant access to the challenge.

I’m excited to teach you guys.

We’ll see you in there.

Again, don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity.

Register for the 3 Day Challenge at 3DayAccess.

We’d love to see you.

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