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How to Skyrocket Your Affiliate Commissions Using Automated Email Marketing

Nothing Boosts Affiliate Commissions Faster than Automated Emails… 

Have you struggled to build a lasting relationship with customers? The solution is simple…


I can not empathize how crucial this is.

As affiliate marketers, it’s possible to not recognize you have a customer base of your own and simply send them directly to the product. 

So my advice to you is this…

Before sending customers to an affiliate site to purchase the product you promoted, have them go to a bridge page.

A bridge page will collect their emails in exchange for something of value that is at no cost to you (free ebook, checklist, maybe some type of discount).

Once they’ve submitted the email you will then redirect them to the affiliates site where they will purchase the product.

With your newly created lists, you can begin your automated email marketing…

Through automated email marketing, you can share information, resources, and hacks with every email sent.

The key is consistently delivering value..

This will build your audience’s trust and position yourself as an authority simultaneously.

In fact… a study by McKinsey discovered, email marketing is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than social media.

Every customer can be segmented into email lists based on their interests, behaviors, and preferences.

Allowing you, the affiliate marketer, to target them with very specific products they are already willing to buy.

Experian states that automated emails have a 29% higher open rate and a 41% higher click-through rate compared to non-automated emails.

Targeted and relevant emails will keep you top of mind with your audiences.

Increased engagement results in more clicks on your affiliate links…

Which then ultimately leads to…

Yup, you guessed it, more commissions.

Visit us at to dive into depth and skyrocket your commissions.