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How to Use Affiliate Links in YouTube Videos (So You Don’t Get Banned)

Are you ready to unlock the potential of youtube marketing? If so, read more…

Paying to promote ads on YouTube is just one of the many ways to market on the platform.

Believe it or not, you can be even more efficient in boosting product popularity and commissions than paid ads.

To start, you’ll need to join at least one affiliate program.

A few to consider would be Amazon Associates, ClickBank, and ShareASale.

Next, choose relevant products to promote in your YouTube videos. 

You will then receive an affiliate link.

Now you are ready to begin the fun part!

Create a YouTube Channel where you can post videos to further your presence in your selected niche community.

Your next step is to make a video centered around the product.

For example, if you are marketing online software your video could be a tutorial on how to use it…

…or a review of the program

…or a How-To video that demonstrates how to solve a problem or solve a task within the software. 

If you really want to maximize profits…

Join two affiliate programs for competing software companies, make a compare and contrast video of the two.

Detail the pros and cons of each, which one works best for what types of work, ect.

Then, put both links to both products in the video description and allow your watchers to choose which one works best for them.

The same technique can be used for all types of products.

Now here’s the big secret…

Don’t use a link that will lead directly to the affiliate site.

Instead, bring them to a bridge page.

A bridge page is designed to provide additional information and build trust with the user before they are directed to the merchant’s product page.

By providing valuable information and building trust with the user, the bridge page can help to increase the conversion rate .

And ultimately, generate more affiliate commissions for the affiliate marketer.

Additionally, you can use it to collect emails and build your email lists.

If you want even more valuable content about affiliate marketing…

Join our 3 Day Business Challenge.

We give you a step-by-step, complete walkthrough, on how to start your own online affiliate marketing business…


So come visit us at!!

We’d love to see you!