Switching From Affiliate to Private Deals – Checkout the 3 Day Challenge at 3DayAccess.com
So congratulations, you have reached the end of this course. This is going to be the last video and this last video will be Video #8 and this is going to be an advanced strategy to help you essentially make more money. This is going from the short term affiliate strategy to a long term private deal strategy. Essentially you are moving from affiliate to a long term deal. And this is extremely profitable if you generate enough sales for the vendor.
So #1, you can contact them to get a higher percentage of commission, say for example that you’ve generated a 100 sales or more, you can go to them and say hey, I’ve generated you 100 sales, would you be interested in increasing my commission by 10%? A lot of times vendors, especially for products where they don’t have a huge overhead, they are willing to often go up to 75%.
Some of them are going to go even further than that as well, some of them will stick to the bottom. If it’s software, software is another thing, a lot of times they’ll stick at 50% and it’s harder for them to move up because they have a higher overhead with having to hire programmers and all of that. But keep that in mind, you can always work out a very private special deal, where maybe they offer something to your list, something like an incentivized bonus.
So for example maybe the vendor can offer a special bonus, such as a product that they normally sell for free for your customers. Because they know that you are already making sales for them, naturally as a vendor they are going to want to make more sales for you because it makes more sales for them. So they know in a way that whatever you are doing traffic wise or conversion wise it’s working, it should be in their best interest to bend over backwards and work with you to help you make as many sales for them. So that’s why this can move from a short term strategy to a long term strategy.
So I would do that, I would say hey, do you have an incentivized bonus that you can offer my list or do you have a product that you are normally selling that you could offer my list for free. And we’ve done that and many vendors have opened up and said hey, no problem, no big deal. Now we have had a few vendors that have said no and normally those are harder to deal with.
But the ones that usually have your best interests in their mind, they normally should bend over backwards, that should be a normal thing. But that is of course only if you brought them 100 or more sales. Don’t expect that if you haven’t brought any sales or if you’ve only brought a couple sales, only expect that if it’s brought, you know, a few hundred sales. And when you are at that point it makes sense to move to a long term kind of venture.
Now after times we have found that a good vendor is the difference between pennies and thousands of dollars earned. So in other words if the vendor is willing to work with you, that is usually a win-win situation.
So hindsight, 2020 looking back a lot of times we found that the vendors that were easy to work with and that were willing to work with us, we make a lot more money with them. The ones that were not willing to work with us, not willing to offer exclusive bonuses, vendors that were lazy or just didn’t want to do anything, a lot of times those promos would just become stagnate, and they won’t go anywhere.
So that’s a nice little tip if you are a vendor watching this, make sure that you support you affiliates as much as you can. And especially affiliates that are doing well, reach out to them, say hey, what can I do to help you kind of things. They don’t budge, usually what we do is we go to their competition, we show their competition hey, we’ve made 100 sales for your competition, do you have an affiliate program and would you be willing to work with us?
Most of the time they would say yes, so that’s just something to think about that there is always avenues that you can take, there’s always going to be road blocks and there is always going to be avenues and solutions that you can take, you just have to be willing to look for them.
So that’s the strategy that we would use, those 2 strategies at the very end on Video #7, Video #8, and those will typically help you be the little 10% of affiliates because the 99% or 90% of the affiliates aren’t doing videos #6, #7 or #8. So I hope you enjoyed that video course, I know that was basic with some advanced strategies, and maybe at another time we will talk about more advanced affiliate marketing strategies.