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Why Niche Selection Can Result in Higher Conversion Rates for Online Affiliate Marketing

Are you intrigued by online affiliate marketing but don’t know where to start? Let’s help you out…

I can say without a doubt your first step should be to choose a niche.

Niche selection allows you to target a specific group of people who are interested in a particular topic.

It may seem like a daunting task with limitless options…

But the good news is there can’t really be any wrong choices… every niche has interested consumers.

Let me give you a few reinforcements on the benefits of choosing a specific niche…

Targeted content can result in a 72% increase in engagement compared to generic content, according to conducted research by Hubspot. 

 A survey by ConvertKit states, 74.3% of bloggers surveyed said that focusing on a specific niche has helped them grow their audience.

Lastly, Mckinsey says, personalized marketing can deliver five to eight times the ROI on marketing spend.

By choosing a particular set of products you are able to get to know your consumers, what they want, what their goals are, their pain points, everything you need in order to understand them.

The more you get to know your product and those who buy it, you will be seen as an expert in that area.

This allows you to build trust and authority in that industry and with your customers.

Join us at and get instant access to our 3 Day Business Challenge.

This is a one of a kind business training course that will teach you how to start your very own online affiliate marketing business…

Step by step…

See you there!